Radical atlanticists to institutionalize corruption in Europe

The Democratic Coalition of Ferenc Gyurcsany negotiated in Brussels about reducing the Hungarian government’s financial room for maneuver. MP’s of his party coordinated their intentions to set up a European Prosecutor’s Office with Giovanni Kessler, leader of European Anti-fraud Office (Olaf). Radical Atlanticists insist on setting up a new European institution that would authorize Brussels to directly control the member states’ utilization of EU funds. Succesfully setting-up this new institution would radically decrease financial room for maneuver for all the member states, since instead of the member state’s government, Brussels would be authorized to decide about which corporations (or private persons) receive EU funds. Practically, Brussels could decide about which party’s circles are allowed to continue peculation. However, Eurosceptic parties would less likely receive EU funds – with this new institution, Brussels could easily grade all the financial support they receive as embezzlement.

Setting-up the European Prosecutor’s Office has two significant structural aspects:

  • It could prevent any government’s attempt to distribute available EU funds directly to their vassals and to make their political opponents unable to receive EU funds. Of course, this seems to be a positive tendency, but it can have a backside effect that can make this trend counterproductive. In case ruling Fidesz party does not embezzle all the available EU funds to their vassals, other parties will: the ones with a positive attitude toward Brussels. By setting up a European Prosecutor’s Office, embezzlements of Eurosceptic parties would be punished, those of pro-EU parties would not. Meanwhile, this kind of development would not mean any change for people who make their living from honest work and salary. Discussing the creation of a European Prosecutor’s Office is not about improving living conditions, but about bargaining which party can access and embezzle EU funds in a way that appears to be legal and acceptable. These aspects of the euro-atlantic integration proccess can be counterproductive, and in fact, very harmful, inducing apathy among working people.
  • Setting-up the European Prosecutor’s Office could significantly decrease future political opportunities of all the member states. Practically, the new European institution would allow Brussels to have more strict control over a member state government’s spending of EU funds. This can give an unprecedented juristical weapon into Brussels’ hands, which would allow him to promote pro-EU parties in all member states, and at the same time, prevent Eurosceptic parties from receiving EU funds. If a pro-EU party embezzles EU funds and hands it out directly to their vassals – Brussels could turn a blind eye to it. In case a Eurosceptic party gains significant EU funds, the European Prosecutor’s Office would find “serious problems” and pronounce it embezzlement. In this case, Brussels could significantly decrease the financial room for maneuver of a Eurosceptic government, because the European Prosecutor’s Office would authorize him to divert EU funds directly to pro-EU opposition parties. In such an occurrence, pro-EU opposition parties would embezzle EU funds legally instead of the government, which could force the government to change it’s attitude toward Brussels. Setting-up the European Prosecutor’s Office would give Brussel direct control over part of the member state’s budget, so Brussels would have power over political processes in all member states.

However Zsolt Greczy, spokesman of the radical atlanticist party reminded that the Democratic Coalition already took side on setting-up the European Prosecutor’s Office. By May of 2014, the Democratic Coalition have already shown interest in creating the new institution, because our government significantly decreased the radical atlanticist’s foreign sources – that were available in the last years – by commencing more strict control over NGO-s, corporations and financial institutions that were used by radical atlanticists to launder financial sources from abroad.

Ferenc Gyurcsany’s party have a single goal: building the United States of Europe, that remains under Washington’s control, which means the liquidation of all the member states.

The Democratic Coalition usually gives the same answer for all issues of Home Affairs; they draw up an answer that requires the involvement of European Union institutions. By these means, they try to acclimatize a way of thinking that would accept giving up a member state’s authorities to the European Union in order to solve any Home Affair issue. The main goal of radical atlanticists is not to set up a European Prosecutor’s Office, or to solve any certain problems, but to radically promote the euro-atlantic integration proccess, and accustom people to their own way of thinking. This means making people become inclinable to solve Home Affair issues with involvement from European Union institutes, and giving up the member state’s authorities to the European Union. These are the most dangerous political organizations of Europe, because in every case they act as foreign agents, and their only goal is to liquidate member states and give up all authorities to the EU, so the United States of Europe can be established.